Anticipating S08E14 ‘Under Siege’
It seems like S08E14 ‘Under Siege’ (written by Scott Gemmill and filmed over the last seven days) may be the key ‘mole’ episode. Already the Christmas episode teasers are reminding viewers there’s thirty days left for Hetty to find the mole. ‘Under Siege’ features the return of the following characters – as seem on various Instagram accounts of the actors, RT from fans etc. A photo of a script page also suggests that Deeks is in jail in this episode – undercover or under suspicion that he’s the mole?
NCIS Agent Thompson – Jeronimo Spinx (IMDB cites S1 Ambush, Empty Quiver, S3 Exit Strategy, S4 Rude Awakenings, S5 Zero Days, S7 An Unlocked Mind
NCIS Agent Nassir – Tom Winter (IMDB -S1 Found, S3 Exit Strategy, S4 Rude Awakenings)
Carl Brown – Adam Bartley (the one and only original mole from S5 Traitor, S8 Ghost Gun, Sirens)
CIA Agent Randall Sharov (AKA Balinski) – Salvator Xuereb (S7 Matryoshka Parts 1 & 2)
Note these photos are not used by permission of the actors but are publicly posted on their own Instagram and / or Twitter accounts, so hopefully there is no offence caused or taken by anyone. The above text is all supposition but is certainly food for thought…whichever way, it seems that this will be one big episode!