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A Virtual Scrawl

S08E24 Unleashed
Last week’s ‘Uncaged’ was a beast of an episode. It brutally demonstrated the dark side of NCIS and how far the super-villains or a...

S08E24 Unleashed
Last week’s ‘Uncaged’ was a beast of an episode. It brutally demonstrated the dark side of NCIS Los Angeles and how far a character’s...

S08E23 Uncaged
An episode written by Frank Military is characterised by dark, in-depth character stories that are worth numerous rewatches. In S2 Little...

S08E23 Uncaged
An episode written by Frank Military is characterised by dark, in-depth character stories that are worth numerous rewatches. In S2 Little...

S08E22 Golden Days
Golden Days picks up from last week and the agents are searching for Yaniv who has escaped with the gold bar he stole from Hetty’s former...

S08E22 Golden Days
Golden Days picks up from last week and the agents are searching for Yaniv who has escaped with the gold bar he stole from Hetty's forme
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