A Virtual Scrawl
Isn't that the eternal question? Well if it is, you're not going to find an answer here...Below is a little piece of blurb about me, who I am and why I have created this web site.
I have always loved reading and writing. In fact one of my earliest ambitions was to publish a short children's story before I reached the age of ten, an ambition I had after reading the Ladybird books about 'The Garden Gang', written by nine year old Jayne Fisher, the youngest ever author for Ladybird. I failed dismally in this attempt - in fact I don't think I actually tried, but that is the origins of my inspiration. It seems that at even such a tender age, I was already too scared to try and make my dreams a reality. Not that this website is an attempt to do anything more than continue a hobby which started several years ago now, ...but it is a start.
My love of reading continued throughout my teenage years yet the desire to write creatively fell by the roadside as my education steered in the direction of analytics in English Literature, Media Studies and Film Studies. University beckoned and I attended the University of East Anglia (UEA) in Norwich, and graduated with a degree in Film and English Studies. With the exception of several interviews with marketing companies, I did what all new graduates did in the 1990s - and worked in a call centre. That may have lasted for only a year (thank god), but my subsequent career has not touched on anything even remotely related to my degree...well unless you count film capacitors, during a stint with an electrical components manufacturer.
I have always had a rather obsessive nature, particularly with TV shows, films and actors. NCIS Los Angeles came along at a time in my life where a serious void needed to be filled. The show offered me an escape from reality and I became hooked with the unknown past of lead character, G. Callen. Unable to sate my desire for the show's stories I started reading fanfiction and then finally became brave enough to start penning my own, some of which are now on this site. Several years later I again became frustrated as I wanted to read proper, unbiased reviews of the show and so I started to write these, initially for NCIS Los Angeles Magazine, a great fan site that sadly now only exists in an archived state. And once I began writing these reviews, it was only natural that I progressed to writing film reviews.
Unfortunately, a busy full time job (where writing means emails and reports - and not even as the main part of the role), a family and other hobbies, I haven't really kept up with the film reviews - or my dream of one day writing my own, original story. I keep talking about it...
In the meantime, I hope those that are still reading this will take even a small amount of pleasure in reading my reviews and fanfiction. You never know, one day there may even be an original short story on here. Every journey begins with a small step...
Happy reading!