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A Virtual Scrawl
S08E04 Black Market
After the excellent three episodes which opened season 8, the fourth episode Black Market was rather disappointing. The case of the week...
Season 7 - Review
Season seven has been a roller coaster of a ride for all the main characters. Each has been allowed the opportunity to develop a little...
S07E18 Exchange Rate
The case is barely noticeable as Exchange Rate predominantly focuses on relationships, both the romantic type and team-wise. Kensi and...
S07E07 “An Unlocked Mind”
An Unlocked Mind is another episode from the pen of Frank Military and this time directed by NCISLA actor Chris O’Donnell. As a result,...
S06E18 Rage
The first time Frank Military wrote and directed for NCISLA, Spoils of War was born; a very dark episode, full of anger, torture,...
NCISLA - The Manipulator
The story behind why ‘Hetty + Mechanical Bull + Tequila = Bar Fight’. Set at the karaoke bar, post S01E12 “Past Lives”. Dusk fell over...
NCISLA - The Blog
Post-script to S05E06 “Big Brother” It had not gone as expected, but then how many operations actually did? A fifteen year old girl had...
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