10 Cloverfield Lane (2016)10 Cloverfield Lane is an intense drama that covers a multitude of genres, including drama, thriller, comedy, horror and science...
The Witch (2016)The Witch takes place in 17th Century New England and follows the story of a Pilgrim family who have left their home in Northern England...
The Witch (2016)The Witch takes place in 17th Century New England and follows the story of a Pilgrim family who have left their home in Northern England...
The Visit (2015)The Visit is a horror film written and directed by M.Night Shyamalan, the man who brought us exquisitely clever films such as The Sixth...
The Visit (2015)The Visit is a horror film written and directed by M.Night Shyamalan, the man who brought us exquisitely clever films such as The Sixth...