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A Virtual Scrawl

S10E23 The Guardian
The Guardian is the first episode of the two part season ten finale and there has been plenty of promotional activity, particularly...

S10E22 No More Secrets
‘No More Secrets’ continues from last week’s search for Anna and her subsequent flight out of America. This week they have a lead not...

S10E12 The Sound of Silence
There has been a lack of direction so far in season 10 in terms of an overarching plot thread. There were the after effects of Mexico and...

S10E01 To Live And Die In Mexico
The season nine finale left the lives of all four agents hanging in the balance, like no other cliff hanger seen before on the show. The...

S09E18 Vendetta
Vendetta is the sequel to the earlier season nine episode Mountebank, which saw the team investigate Russian Oligarch and notorious...

S08E23 Uncaged
An episode written by Frank Military is characterised by dark, in-depth character stories that are worth numerous rewatches. In S2 Little...

Eddie The Eagle (2016)
Eddie ‘the Eagle’ Edwards was a British ski jumper in the late 1980s who became famous for representing Britain in the 1988 Calgary...
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