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A Virtual Scrawl

S11E12 Groundwork
After a short break for Christmas and New Year, NCIS: Los Angeles returns for another solid episode, building on the foundations laid...

S11E11 Answers
In an episode entitled "Answers", there is a natural assumption that there will be, well, lots of answers. That is certainly how the CBS...

S11E10 Mother
For a television series to be in its eleventh season and reach the 250th episode is a huge milestone worthy of celebration. NCIS Los...

S11E09 Kill Beale Vol. 1
When an episode is titled “Kill Beale Vol 1”, it’s clear that everyone’s favourite Technical Operator is going to find himself in some...

S11E08 Human Resources
Until recent episodes, season 11 has been a little hit and miss. The first few episodes were fine, but suffered from the distraction of...

S11E06 A Bloody Brilliant Plan
Every once in a while an episode comes along which breaks with convention. Procedural shows are very formulaic (as are many others, for...

S11E05 Provenance
Season 11 has been a mixed bag so far. The premiere was good but not quite up to the standard of the many previous openers. The second...
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